What is TMJ and TMD?
What is TMJ and TMD?

TMJ refers to the temporomandibular joint disorder of your jaw located at the base of each ear. It plays a big part in speaking, breathing, and eating due to its ability to perform various movements. It can perform these movements because of its muscle variety, ligaments, and hinge-like joints. Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is the technical term for TMJ discomfort, chronic pain, and other complications. “TMJ,” however, is commonly referred to as jaw issues.
Many of us have experienced or know someone who has experienced TMJ pain. Sometimes, it is fleeting, with mild pain and symptoms. Other times, it’s incredibly painful and chronic, affecting more than just the joints and muscles of our jaws. Soothing Dental in Midlothian, TX, is here to help provide more information about this complicated disorder from a healthcare provider.
Symptoms of TMJ/TMD
One thing to note is that symptoms of TMJ/TMD are not always involving the jaws. Due to its proximity to the ears and facial muscles, it can affect other areas as well. These symptoms can also be indicators of other medical problems, so be sure to consult with a medical professional. Here are the following symptoms of TMD:
- Severe pain in the jaw
- Pain or discomfort in the temporomandibular joints
- Chronic facial pain
- Pain around the front of your ears
- Trouble chewing or pain while chewing – limited jaw movement
- Difficulty opening and closing your jaw
What Causes TMJ/TMD?
The diagnosis of TMJ and TMD can be difficult. It develops from an underlying condition like arthritis or the habitual strain of jaw muscles, like bruxism. Bruxism is when we unconsciously clench our jaw and/or grind our teeth so much that it wears on our joints and muscles. This often happens at night and can be induced by stress/anxiety, sleeping problems, and medications.
Treatment Options for TMJ/TMD
Most of the time, TMJ/TMD can be treated by lifestyle changes. For instance, resting the temporomandibular joint by avoiding heavy chewing or yawning and finding other ways to relax these jaw muscles. Participating in stress-relieving activities and other relaxation techniques like yoga and getting a good night’s sleep, and sleeping with night guards can help TMJ symptoms. Grab a heating pad to help increase blood flow or a bag of frozen peas to help with inflammation, and rest it on your jaw for 20 minutes a day. After a while, TMD symptoms may be felt beyond the temporomandibular joints. You may experience chronic headaches, inflammation of the face, earaches, tinnitus, and vertigo which can be extremely disruptive to your daily life. Also, if your symptoms are caused by teeth grinding, you risk wearing your teeth down, damaging them to the point of needing crowns or implants. Neglecting oral health is detrimental to our overall health.
Visit Soothing Dental
Dr. Vinton and our friendly staff at Soothing Dental offer personalized care for each individual need. If you have persistent pain or health conditions, require a treatment plan, and want to improve your quality of life, we are happy to assist you. We welcome you to our Midlothian, Texas location, where comfort is our top priority. Schedule your appointment with us today.


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